Fill in the fields to get the corresponding white dwarf properties and diffusion timescales.
Download output as plain text file:
Mass | Radius | Luminosity | Cooling time | Gravitational redshift | Convection zone mass ratio log(q) |
M☉ | R☉ | L☉ | Gyr | km/s |
H |
He |
Li |
Be |
B |
C |
N |
O |
F |
Ne |
Na |
Mg |
Al |
Si |
P |
S |
Cl |
Ar |
K |
Ca |
Sc |
Ti |
V |
Cr |
Mn |
Fe |
Co |
Ni |
Cu |
Zn |
Ga |
Ge |
As |
Se |
Br |
Kr |
** Some 25 years after Paquette et al. (1986), we recently improved significantly on their calculations of diffusion coefficients by 1) using a much more accurate numerical scheme for estimating the so-called collision integrals, and 2) introducing a more physical prescription of the screening length used as the independent variable in the evaluation of these coefficients. Details of these improved calculations will be provided elsewhere. Likewise, at the level of the white dwarf models themselves, we 1) introduced an improved model of pressure ionization to insure that the average charge of an heavy element is best evaluated and changes smoothly with depth, and 2) computed new settling timescales for all 27 elements from Li to Cu in the periodic table. -Gilles Fontaine
The Montreal White Dwarf Database is produced and maintained by Prof. Patrick Dufour (Université de Montréal) and Dr. Simon Blouin (University of Victoria). Please send database updates, corrections, suggestions or bug reports to